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Behavior & Guidance Policy

At Moscow Day School the term guidance is used for several reasons. It is a positive term and implies working with the children to develop internal control of their behavior. Our goal is to encourage the children to become creative, independent, responsible, and socially mature human beings. This involves learning to make responsible choices and accepting the consequences of such choices. Guidance takes several forms within our center:

  • Environment- A place designed for children. Each room is age-appropriate in furniture size, large and small classroom activity options, and supplies required for hands-on experiences. 

  • Logical Rules- Such as keeping our hands to ourselves and taking care of the learning environment. These are discussed with the children as well as why such rules are needed.

  • Curriculum- Is developmentally appropriate, based on the children's interest and level of readiness.

  • Positive Behavior- We reinforce the behaviors we wish to see repeated.

  • Redirection- Often interesting a child in another activity can eliminate potential difficulty. We might ask a child to help us or send a child to a different area to play.

  • Positive Reminder- Telling the children what we want them to do rather than using "no" or "don't."

  • Break Time- Occasionally, as a last resort, a child needs to be removed from the situation for a brief break and personal reset. This allows the child time to calm down and teachers can help the child consider a safe alternate behavior when returning to the classroom activity.

  • Our Families- We communicate regularly with families to ensure consistency in guidance between home and school. We partner with families to offer support, guidance and, if necessary, connect them with experts to help give their children the best foundation for academic and life success.

  • Our Teachers- Teaching staff shall focus on teaching the child social, communication, and emotional regulation skills and using environmental modifications, activity modifications, adult or peer support, and other teaching strategies to support the child's appropriate behavior. Staff shall respond to challenging behaviors, including physical aggression, in a manner that provides for the child's safety and the safety of others in the classroom. Our response will be calm, respectful and give the child information on what is acceptable behavior and what is not.


Difficult Behavior

We will make every effort to work with the parent(s) or guardian(s) to ensure a cooperative approach for children having difficulties with behavior. Documentation will be completed in Procare at the time of each action or situation. These reports can be reviewed by parents or guardians at any time. We are here to serve and protect all of our children! Parents(s) or guardian(s) may be called at work or home any time the child exhibits physical and/or uncontrollable behavior that cannot be modified by the center's staff, however some actions may warrant immediate removal for the day in which case the parent(s) or guardian(s) will be asked to take the child home. The following steps may be taken regarding a child who displays chronic disruptive behavior, upsetting the emotional or physical well being of another child or adult. This includes, but is not limited to, the following behaviors: inappropriate touching/conversation, repeated attempts to run away from the class/teachers, hitting, kicking, biting with ill intent and/or destruction of school property.


All behavior decisions will always be individualized, consistent, and appropriate to each child's understanding level.


Initial Consultation:

The Director may request that the parent(s) or guardian meet for a conference. The problem will be defined on paper. Intervention strategies will be discussed. The best solution toward solving the problem will be agreed upon by the Director, teacher, and parent or guardian. The discussions regarding a child's behavior shall be held in private. Discussion and strategies decided upon, will be communicated to the parent(s) or guardian(s) in writing after the consultation is completed.


Please note that if a consultation is requested, it must be done in a timely manner. MDS will do everything possible to be accommodating to the parent(s) or guardian(s) schedules.


However, if the behavior is persistent and severely unsafe to themselves, other children, or the teachers, Moscow Day School may recommend and/or require alternative placement prior to the second consultation.


Second Consultation:

If the initial plan for helping the child is not successful, the parent(s) or guardian(s) will again be asked to meet with the Director and teaching staff involved. Another attempt will be made to identify the problem, and establish a new, or revised strategy. Parent(s) or guardian(s) may be asked to consult outside professionals, or bring in behavioral specialists to help identify the problems or provide new strategies, in order for MDS to continue care. Our goal is to work as a team to better serve each child.



When the previous attempts have been followed and no progress has been made toward solving the problem(s), the child may be disenrolled from Moscow Day School at the discretion of the Director.


NOTE: Moscow Day School does not condone or tolerate the use of corporal punishment of any kind. This policy restricts parents and staff from using physical punishment on their children while on Moscow Day School property. This is defined as the use of negative physical touching (spanking, slapping, pinching, etc.), exclusion from large motor or outdoor activities, or exclusion from any learning activity. In certain instances a child may be physically restrained in order to keep the child, other children, or staff safe from harm. Also, Moscow Day School will not tolerate psychological abuse, coercion, threats, or derogatory remarks from staff, parents or students. Moscow Day School will never withhold, or threaten to withhold food as a form of discipline. 



Biting is a normal part of child development. Young children bite for various reasons, such as teething or exploring a new toy or object with their mouth. Biting can also be a way for toddlers to get attention or express how they're feeling. Frustration, anger, and fear are strong emotions, and toddlers lack the language skills to deal with them. If they can't find the words they need quickly enough or can't articulate how they're feeling, they may resort to biting.


Biting tends to occur most often between 12-24 months of age. Biting past the age of two and a half to three is less common. For repeated biting instances with preschoolers and older, we may request a parent/teacher conference. The purpose of the conference is to discuss what may be causing the child to be upset, frustrated, confused, or afraid and therefore lead to biting. Additionally, we would develop a joint plan of action following our behavior guidance procedures listed above. If your child bites or is bitten, you and the family of the other child involved will receive an Incident/Action Report that keeps the identity of both children confidential.


Children of Executive Board Members:

In the event that the disenrollment of a child of a board member is being considered, the board member parent will be removed from the Executive Board discussion for matters pertaining to this issue. The disenrollment decision will be left to the Director and the other remaining board members.

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